14th Global Issues Network Conference
28-30 March 2019, Luxembourg
Committing to our World’s Most Vulnerable
People, Places and Resources
“In a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace.”
Wangari Maathai (Nobel Peace Prize -2004)
Welcome to the 14th annual European GIN Conference, which will take place in Luxembourg at the Chambre de Commerce from 28th to the 30th of March 2019.
The theme of this year's GIN Conference is: Committing to the World's Most Vulnerable People Places and Resources
Check-in will take place between 7.45 and 8.45am on Thursday 28th March in the lobby of the Chamber of Commerce. The event will start at 9.30am on that day and will finish around 12.00pm on Saturday the 30th. Please make sure that your travel arrangements allow you to be present from start to finish.
Registration is now open and will close on December 12th 2018! Places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, with places secured by proof of payment. Note that demand exceeds supply each year and all places might already be filled before the deadline, so please be sure to complete the registration form as soon as possible! The link is on the list below.