Student workshop guidelines
Student-run and designed workshops are an exciting and integral part of a GIN conference.
Student-run and designed workshops are an exciting and integral part of a GIN conference.
GIN teams are responsible for working with their peers to develop and improve their projects; as effective change-makers who continue to seek more sustainable and innovative solutions.
GIN teams are responsible for working with their peers to develop and improve their projects; as effective change-makers who continue to seek more sustainable and innovative solutions.
Each student team works to deliver their process and efforts: their goals, challenges, successes and plans for the future.
Each student team works to deliver their process and efforts: their goals, challenges, successes and plans for the future.
Each student team attends a GIN Conference with the aim to learn how to better engage within their locale and with their peers.
Each student team attends a GIN Conference with the aim to learn how to better engage within their locale and with their peers.
Design a 40-45 minute interactive workshop
Design a 40-45 minute interactive workshop
20 – 25 minutes: presentation
20 – 25 minutes: presentation
20 – 25 minutes: activities, discussion, and peer review
20 – 25 minutes: activities, discussion, and peer review
The following delineates the Student Workshop Presentation expectations:
The following delineates the Student Workshop Presentation expectations:
Workshops are to be presented by each and every GIN team at a conference. Please prepare the following for your workshop:
Workshops are to be presented by each and every GIN team at a conference. Please prepare the following for your workshop:
*Please note: We strongly suggest that you work with a supportive teacher to learn how to best deliver an inspiring message and teach complex ideas!
*Please note: We strongly suggest that you work with a supportive teacher to learn how to best deliver an inspiring message and teach complex ideas!
Show your understanding of the global issue you are addressing
Overview of the global issue
Connect the global issue to your local context
How is this a local-global issue?
Share sustainable action plan:
How are you addressing your local-global issue?
How are you making your work sustainable?
Share your successes and challenges